Results from NAM-GWAS

Curated NAM-GWAS results analyzed in Wallace et al. 2014. Association mapping across numerous traits reveals patterns of functional variation in maize. PLoS Genetics 10(12): e1004845.

[Citation] Wallace et al. 2014. PLoS Genetics

File NameDescriptionRef.ChrFormatRelease DateSize
Wallace_etal_2014_PLoSGenet_GWAS_hits-150112.txtCurated NAM-GWAS results analyzed in Wallace et al. 2014. Association mapping across numerous traits reveals patterns of functional variation in maize. PLoS Genetics 10(12): e1004845.AGPv2 txt20150112 

[CyVerse Data Store file path*]: /iplant/home/shared/panzea/GWASResults/
* Linux users can use iCommands to download the data files.  Click this link for instructions of using iCommands.
* Windows and Mac users can use Cyberduck to download the data files. Here is the instruction for Cyberduck.