Maize 282 association panel phenotypes (+/- NAM)

Phenotypes for either our "Maize 282" Association panel alone, or the 282 and NAM panel combined.


File NameDescriptionRef.ChrFormatRelease DateSize
traitMatrix_maize282NAM_v15-130212.txtA single text file containing all of our public phenotypic data for the NAM and maize 282 association population collected between 2006 & 2009. The file contains 285 trait/environment combinations for 57 traits. Trait descriptions and interpretations of the environment (location/year) codes are available here  txt20130212 
Peiffer2014Genetics_blupPhenos20150325.xlsxPhenotypic data (BLUPs) from Peiffer et al. 2014. The genetic architecture of maize height. Genetics 196:1337. (Includes the Ames inbreds as well as NAM and the maize 282).   201503250
Cook_etal_2012_kernel_comp_pheno_data-111202.zipKernel composition phenotypic data from Cook et al. 2012. Genetic architecture of maize kernel composition in the nested association mapping and inbred association panels. Plant Physiology 158: 824-834.  zip20111202 

[CyVerse Data Store file path*]: /iplant/home/shared/panzea/phenotypes/
* Linux users can use iCommands to download the data files.  Click this link for instructions of using iCommands.
* Windows and Mac users can use Cyberduck to download the data files. Here is the instruction for Cyberduck.